Called Creative Studio: a space filled with the ability, intelligence, knowledge & craftsmanship of our community.

Creative Studio
What started as a passion project has turned into a calling from the Lord to serve our community through events, retail, and photography. Join us in our space, where we will cultivate joy and bring smiles to your day. Schedule a time to stop by our Little Mountain creative studio, or shop with us online 24/7 at Grace Langdon Art.

Exodus 31: 1-3
“The Lord Said “See I have called you by name, and I have filled you with the spirit of God, ability, intelligence, knowledge & all craftsmanship”

Special Events
Called is designed to host in-person art classes, where you can indulge in your creative expressions. Check out our list of events happening soon!
Photography Studio
We are excited to use Called as a space for our gifts and passions. We also want to open the space TO YOU! We know you have been called to a specific purpose and want to offer our photography studio as a space for you to do your craft too. Check out our booking page for more information and to schedule a time to host your photography sessions.